Which battery is Better, Optima or Odyysey?

Monday, March 10, 2008

What do the different colors mean fro Optima batteries

Please explain to me what the different colored tops of the Optima batteries means. Specifically, I need a battery for a four cylinder Toyota dirt track race car. The races are short, about 20 laps on a 1/3 mile oval, practice and two 20 lap races each week. I don't need it to be light weight. I will put the battery where I need more weight anyway. I do intend to run without an alternator, and will power the ignition, starter, fuel pump, and radiator fan. It would be important for the battery to withstand this type of discharge, before being recharged at home each week. Please give me your views on my plans, and your opinion as to the correct battery for this application. Money is an object, so I would prefer the least expensive way I could go. I have received information from other racers, who either said that it couldn't be done, or that they do it all the time. Now, I thought I would ask someone, who can tell me the truth.